Designing Your Life Worksheet

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Designing Your Life

1. The Stanford Design School Method included Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. These steps can help you when planning your innovative next steps post college.

• Empathize- it is the way you understand and feel for people. As stated in the Stanford Design School Method on page 1, “It is your effort to understand the way they do things and why, their physical and emotional needs, how they think about world, and what is meaningful to them.” You can use empathy in your post college plan by helping you understand people better. It can help you understand what customers need out of a product or what employers need out of workers. It can also help you I your personal life to better understand and empathize for …show more content…

On page 3 of the Stanford Design School Method, it says that, “It’s not about coming up with the ‘right’ idea, it’s about generating the broadest range of possibilities.” Ideating can help you in the workforce by allowing you to brainstorm. Like we did in a few of our Designing Your Life worksheets we brainstormed a lot of career ideas. We wrote down even ideas that seemed silly to show us that there was no on right answer. We could use this in our job hunting search to show us that there are many jobs and opportunities out there for us. It can also help us when it comes to solving problems work related. It helps us to see that even the silly ideas sometimes can be good …show more content…

The last top moment I had came at the beginning of the book while reading the Start Where You Are chapter. The book said that, “We are only done designing our lives when we die” (Burnett & Evans 26). The Designing Your Life Love-Play-Work-Health Balance Worksheet helped me to look at where I invested my time. This mattered to me because it helped showed me that our lives are constantly changing and we constantly need to find a way to find a good balance between these four things. If we have a good balance between these things it is a good starting point for us to start designing the life we want. It also helps us to realize small things we could do to improve balance with love, play, work, and

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