Desdemona Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Play

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Othello is a book by Shakespeare built around tragedy and manipulation. In the book the character Desdemona is killed by her husband Othello. Our job today is to figure out if it was Othello’s fault for committing the crime, Iago’s fault for framing her, Or Desdemona’s fault for not fighting harder to get Othello to believe she was not having an affair.
In the story Othello is convinced that his wife is having an affair with a man named Cassio. Othello confronts his wife about the affairs he is hearing about and then eventually kills her by smothering her. The murder of his wife was his fault but not only his fault. Yes, he did commit the crime but he was easily manipulated by the information that Iago was giving him and the way he was framing her. If Othello would have just asked her more questions instead of resorting to killing her they would have both survived in this story. …show more content…

His motive was to kill Cassio because he wanted Cassio’s job. When Iago saw the way Cassio talked to Desdemona he came up with the plan of framing Desdemona and Cassio for having an affair with each other. Iago even threatens to ruin Othello and Desdemona’s happiness. On pg. 79 he says “Oh, you’re happy now, but I’ll ruin your happiness, for all my supposed honesty.” From then on him and Roderigo begin to frame Desdemona by taking her handkerchief and planting it on Cassio. Iago is the main one responsible for Desdemona’s death. If he was not so jealous of Cassio and having his job then nobody would have died. Iago is captured and is going to be tortured for everyone’s

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