Descriptive Writing Daybreak

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Daybreak Earlier than the rooster crows on a friday morning, no school, but on the road by 7. The overwhelming feeling of exhaustion takes over as both a father and his daughter procrastinated with packing the night before. Going 70 mph down a familiar road brings out nostalgia and the girl´s thoughts wander back to a version of a hopeful 7 year old; gazing out the window and memorizing every tree and hollow, or ¨holler¨, on the route. Looking out of the window brings a smile to both of their faces as there is a wistfulness in expecting sunflower fields and familiar fishing ponds. Now, just as mesmerizing, but nothing unexpected arises as the worn out road reveals more cows, more ramshackle houses, more memories. Staring out the window and watching the familiar landscape greet her once again, an unanticipated beauty peaks over the horizon. A simple light, not too bright for eye contact, reveals itself over the purple streak of clouds. If she didn't know better, the clouds would be mountains on the skyline, and the rising sun a mango. She glances at her …show more content…

The girl shivers as her feet stay enclosed by her shoes and in the warm car, but she still can't help feeling the raw leaves underneath her in a different reality. She gapes as the sky changes before her very eyes. Taking her eyes away just long enough to notice the thin layer of fog resting slightly above the wheat fields, she is filled with a completely separate sense of awe. Looking back at the sky, she seemed to be looking away for only a minute, but the sun burnt her eyes as she searched again for it's beauty. The 15 minute sunrise was complete as the full sun could no longer be given open attention. The daughter is conflicted with what to focus on for the rest of the 3 hour trip. She finds, however, that by closing her eyes, she can see the daybreak

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