Descriptive Essay On Interior Design

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Since I was little, I loved to design, imagine, and make things for decoration, but I did not know what is an interior designer. The word “design”, I used to hear from my father due to his job, designer. When I was little, sometimes I went to his company and easily got bored. There was no toy, friend, tv, nor something fun that I can do. So, I took one of his computers opening paint program to draw. Or sometimes I used to pick up one of his remaining materials to make something for decoration. I enjoyed doing those activities for fun, but I did not know nothing about design nor interior design. Later, as I grew up, designing was not just an activity that I do because I am weary of having nothing to do. Instead, it took on greater meaning to …show more content…

On that day, I had to organize and leave the room. I felt sadness and happiness remembering our memory that is left on that classroom. I saw board that letters were faintly visible, some pictures of me and my students smiling, artworks that included their names, and shabby and dirty decorations that I made. This is a place where we made together and where we spend together to learn about Christ and share and listen to each other. Even though it was not a great nor fancy decorations, the little white masking tape which I used to attach our pictures, art works, and decoration, attached to our memories of our classroom. I can’t never forget my classroom, it still remains with me as a fond memory. Interior design is not difficult subject, but easy when people start to decorate. That is what makes identity, meaning, and memory ,no matter what is its material and design. At that time, interior design did not sound like it is a hard subject to me, but it sounded hard to provide and decorate someone’s space and …show more content…

All people are different and they need a different environment depending not only on their preferences, but also on health. I have a dream to provide spaces that aid people with sickness. In my own life, I have experienced growing up with a skin ailment called atopy, which causes inflammation and itchiness in the skin, which could only be cured through natural remedies. These natural remedies are the nature and fresh air of Ecuador, something I previously did not have living in Korea. Finding a cure for my disease inspired me to help others do the same, and I believe that through interior design that can be done. I want to help sick people through plants and specialized designs which would provide relief from respiratory problems, skin infections, and other ailments. I believe not only unhealthy people will love to have natural environment, many people will love to have fresh air and good energy that comes from nature. I hope to be able to help everyone so that they can live healthier and happier lives with

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