Describe The Relationship Between Deimeter And Persephone

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Demeter’s actions towards the disappearance of her daughter and the bond between Hades and Persephone as she eats the Pomegranate seeds depicts how the Homeric Hymn to Demeter (HH 2) is an allegory for the origin of the cycle of seasons. In a metaphorical sense, Persephone represents springtime since she is depicted to be picking flowers throughout the meadows (HH 6). This provides imagery to help the reader relate Persephone to the season. Additionally, spring is considered full of life and fertility symbolizing the strong relationship between Demeter and Persephone.
However, Hades juxtaposes Persephone and her relationship with her mother due to his harshness. Metaphorically, he represents the winter; full of death and despair. Persephone’s absence from her mother creates no new growth of life for the mortals resulting in a cruel famine. Aidoneus’ actions eventually creates a barren of empty land and dead crops due to the obsessive wandering of Demeter on earth. …show more content…

By eating the pomegranate, it ensures that Persephone will remain Aidoneus’ wife eternally symbolizing the relationship between Spring and Winter. Since this incident causes Persephone to live “...beneath the misty gloom” (HH 2, 446) for some time during the year, she is expected to return and temporarily live with her mother. Spring begins when Persephone visits the world of living with Demeter. However, if Persephone never reunites with Demeter, winter will begin to thrive which could potentially kill mankind. This is similar to earth without the spring season. There is difficulty in growing food, leading to the gradual decline of

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