Describe My Personal Political Socialization Process

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Personal Political Profile

Political Socialization

To begin, I would describe my political socialization process as that I get my attitudes and beliefs about politics from my culture, religion, and family history, whereas someone else my get their political socialization from their beliefs. The agents of socialization that would impact how I see politics would be my family, my peers and mass media. My agents of socialization are the same as the general common agents of socialization; they impact political socialization because they all affect how people gain understanding on politics, so that people can identify with a political party. However, these agents may be different because others may include that race, gender, and age also affects …show more content…

I believed my party identification of being a Democratic was formed by the influence of my family. Since all of my family is Democratic I have grown up believing in certain Democratic characteristic such as being liberal, equal rights for men and woman, especially when it deals with wages and education, also in pro-choice. I believe my party identification is strong, however since I’m older I think I base my identity on what political candidate or politician has the values that are aligned for my best interests; meaning they are subject to change now that I understand politics more. Based off the results from the poll I would be ninety-five percent likely to side with Bernie Sanders as the next Democratic nominee for president. I’m consider a left-wing Social Libertarian/Authoritarian who supports legislated equality, personal freedom, and protection of other people. From the polling data I’m fifty percent collectivism compared to the public, I believe policy should protect and support the best interest of all citizens while on the other hand, I’m seventy-eight percent big government compared to the public, symbolizing I believe the government should address inequality and corruption in the …show more content…

Compared to the public I’m a part of the fifteen percent of solid liberals considered in society who always vote Democrat and in the last two presidential elections would have voted for Obama, if I was able to vote. In contrast with the public as a solid liberal, I’m ninety-three percent more likely to support immigration as a positive aspect that will strengthen the country, than the twenty-seven percent of people who believe the growing number of immigrants will actually hinder the growth of America. However, in foreign policy and privacy I have equally supported views with the public in consideration that, Americans shouldn’t have to give up privacy and freedom in order to be safe from terrorism. My political ideology is consistent with my party identification as a Democrat, because eighty-nine percent of solid liberals are Democrats, I’m an activist for progressive change that helps the nation succeed as well as I believe that the rights of people should always be protected such as free speech or pro-choice. Overall, I received the ideology results I thought I would, because I believe the government shouldn’t intervene in the economy and create more social programs that increase the welfare of the

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