Describe How The Losses Revealed In The Film The Power Of One

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Think about the main character “P.K.” and describe three of the losses that he experienced in his life. Describe how the losses affected P.K. ( How did these losses change him as a person or change his life? Do the losses strengthen or weaken his character?) What do you think you could learn from P.K.’s reactions to challenges he faced? Throughout the film “The Power of One,” main character P.K. has gone through countless losses in his life. Starting with the death of his mother, during the opening of the film P.K.’s mother died due to her sickness. Secondly, after years of building up a strong relationship between Geel Piet, it was all gone after he was brutally murdered by one of the Barberton prison warders, Borman. Finally, one of P.K.’s …show more content…

Growing up he was abused due to being the only English boy in an Afrikaans school. After his mother’s death P.K. was sent to live with Doc, a friend of his grandfather. It is not long after World War II begins that Doc is placed in prison for failure to register with the English government as a foreigner, where P.K. met his soon to be friend Geel Piet (an inmate, who will teach him to box) Piet later spreads the myth of the Rainmaker, the one who brings peace to all of the tribes in which P.K. is cast in the light of. After the war P.K. attends an English private school where he continues to box. He meets a young girl, Maria, with whom he falls in love with. The two fight to teach the natives English. P.K. loses focus until he sees the success of his language school among the tribes. He and Gideon Duma ( African boxer) continue the work in hopes of building a better future for …show more content…

What do you think South African society is like now that it his been twenty years since apartheid ended? Many people at that time in history and in that society had so much disdain or hatred for each other because for as long as human beings have been around, they have always hated or feared people of a different nation or skin color. They were afraid because they were different than the majority of the population. Due to so, they spread lies, in which then became stereotypes about the black nation so that the community would know how to keep them under control. Racism is a particular form of oppression. It stems from discrimination against a group of people based on the idea that some inherited characteristic, such as skin color, makes them inferior to their oppressors. Yet the concepts of "race" and "racism" are modern. They arose and became part of the dominant ethics of society in the context of the African slave trade at the dawn of capitalism in the 1500s and 1600s. My opinions contributes to the idea of They are confused, They are afraid, They are cowards. The white people were afraid that the black would take over their community, which was why they immediately took them over by making them their slaves, making them cowards. If they did not act like cowards, they would have let the black people free to live their live, but

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