Descartes' Trademark Argument for God's Existence

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Descartes' Trademark Argument for God's Existence

The trademark argument (also known as the causal argument) tries to

prove Gods existence through the fact that we have an idea of him.

This argument rests on Descartes' definition of cause and effect,

which he considers a priori.

This idea, that God is an infinite being, he reasons is innate left on

our brain as his stamp or trademark much like a potter leaves on his

pots. "God, at my creation, implanted this idea in me, that it might

serve, as it were, for the mark of the workman impressed on his work"

This idea of infinity must be innate because a finite thing like a

human cannot come up with the idea of something infinite 'just as

stone can only be produced by something which contains stone'. If we

have an idea of a perfect being then it must exist. A cause, he argues

also, must have as much reality as its effect. It cannot be less than

the idea of an infinite being because this would be like a baby

fighting a lion and winning.

Mr Right, the perfect man who appears in your dreams then, by this

logic, must exist. So where is he and what is his number? Your idea of

a perfect man is based upon or inspired the qualities or people you

see around you, he does not exist. The idea of God being infinite

however cannot be gained though our senses. There is nothing from

which we can get the idea of infinity thus it must be innate. It is

only logical therefore for God to have left this idea imprinted on our


2. Explain and illustrate with an example the causal adequacy

principle. What does it have to do with the trademark argument?

Causal Adequacy Principle means that an...

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reality is meant, not existence in the understanding, or in fiction,

etc. Thus despite Descartes' claims to have a clear and distinct idea

of God, in which his essence entails his existence, the ontological

argument can be said to be less than convincing. Descartes' clear and

distinct idea of God is just that: clear and distinct in his

understanding. Although this has been already touched on above, it is

worth repeating: it can be effectively argued that Descartes'

understanding of God does not mean He actually exists. There may not

be any winged horses, but the concept can be grasped, likewise there

may not be a God, but the concept can be grasped. The ontological

argument consistently appears to be defining Him into existence, even

though its supporters, Descartes among them, claim that this is not

the case.

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