Descartes Argument For Why Corporeal Things Exist

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Descartes’ argument for why corporeal things exist follows logically. Descartes begins his argument stating there is a difference between sensory perception and understanding. He explains, “There is in me a passive faculty of sensory perception…but I could not make use of it unless there was also an active faculty, either in me or in something else, which produced or brought about these ideas. But this faculty cannot be in me since the ideas in question are produced without my cooperation and often even against my will (AT VII: 79; p. 55)”. Descartes establishes that when he senses something, he understands it and does not imagine it. Here he also concludes that it is not our discretion whether we sense something or not; we cannot chose to …show more content…

Descartes strongly keeps the casual principle in mind for his reasoning; he realizes that a corporeal thing’s objective reality exceeds any property and would thus contradict the casual principle. Therefore, Descartes then considers three reasons for why corporeal things exist. Descartes contemplates, “ This substance is either a body, that is, a corporeal nature, in which case it will contain formally everything which is to be found objectively in the ideas; or else it is God, or some creature more noble than a body, in which case it will contain eminently whatever is to be found in the ideas (AT VII: 79; p.55).” To condense, Descartes considers corporeal things exist because of finite substances, God, or some creature. It is important to note that ‘some creature’ is thought to be, for example, an angel that is more noble than us humans but lesser than God. A body will have as much formal reality as it does in an idea’s objective reality; God and ‘some creature’ have the ability to cause properties (like ideas) in some thing, despite lacking the aforementioned

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