Dependence on Disbelieving Technology

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Technology has intertwined in our lives over the years. This story all started out with the author's experiences. The incident occurred when Ray Bradbury was taking a stroll when Bradbury was stopped by an LAPD cruiser for taking a walk on Whilshire Boulevard. Therefore, that event triggered the creation of the short story The Pedestrian. The purpose for writing The Pedestrian is to demonstrate that if society relied too much on technology, then it might as well cease to exist. Ray Bradbury's life was broken into two parts, his childhood in Waukegan and his adulthood in California. Bradbury emphasizes the importance of his childhood in helping the author discover his personal writing style. A couple characteristics that describe Bradbury are determination and perseverance. The reason for relating these characteristics to the author is because Bradbury has lived in the course of the Great Depression; holding that thought he had wanted to pursue becoming an author at the age of twelve. Bradbury was self-educated because he could not handle the college expenses hence, for him to accomplish his dream and survive the Depression is evidence of his determination and perseverance. Therefore, within the following paragraphs it will discuss the topic of the author's life/personal experiences which will be associated to the text from the short story. The universal truth of the short story which is: Things one is too dependent on may start to work against him/her. By this I am referring to the control technology could have on society as a whole, if we believe technology is the only reliable source of information we could be convinced into believing false information.
Starting off by discussing about the political aspect, which perfectly por...

... middle of paper ... supports the aspects. To sum everything, people of the community did not really look towards any other source of information except for the information provided by the television. Now related to the universal truth, one who is dependent upon one source of information is are more vulnerable to false information because the information shown could be altered to benefit certain groups and influence the individuals ideas/opinions. The importance of the universal truth is to show the reader that he/she has to use the mind that is given to them. Relying only on one source of information could be beneficial but the chances of the information being wrong or shown to work against us is certain. Using our brain we can also determine if something seem doubtful. As a result, have multiple sources of information to view and absorb only the accurate and beneficial information.

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