Dentist Bad Bacteria

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Cavities are produced by harmful bacteria that live in our mouth. Eating food, especially food that has a lot of sugar, feeds this bacteria. By feeding this bacteria, they start to produce acid, this acid, will eventually eat away at your tooth. By brushing and flossing you remove this bacteria build up, called plaque. If you aren’t removing this build up, the bacteria keep destroying the tooth and eating away at it, until there is a hole. Known to most as a cavity, tooth decay, or dental caries. Since our body doesn’t naturally heal the cavity hole, dentists have found a way to keep the cavity from progressing. Dentists remove the bacteria from the hole and fill the hole with a hard filling. The most common forms of fillings are the composite …show more content…

The first instrument that the dentist may use is a rubber dam. This is a piece of rubber that goes over the entire mouth and teeth, acting as a “raincoat” for the mouth. Dentists punch a hole in the rubber fabric and put it over the tooth that they are working on. Using this, keeps the rest of the mouth dry, and makes a barrier between the patient and the dental procedure. Dentists may use another tool called a bite block. This is a rubber block that is placed between the upper and lower teeth, used to keep the jaw open. This makes it easier for patients that are in a long procedure. It also prevents the patient from closing their mouth during the procedure, allowing the dentist to work without any …show more content…

To fill a cavity with amalgam, the dentist will mix up it up in a machine that rotates it very fast. Doing this, breaks the mercury up as it is in a pouch, and spreads it with the other metals. Once the amalgam is in your tooth, the dentist will push it down until there is no empty spaces in the tooth. Filling a tooth decay with a composite filling is a little bit different. To do this, the dentist will put acid on the tooth, which will create tiny holes in the tooth to allow the composite resin to bond onto the tooth. After rinsing it off, a small amount of priming and bonding will be applied to form a strong bond between the filling and tooth. Once the filling is in your mouth, the dentist will use a blue light, to harden the filling, known as curing the composite. After leveling the filling and making shaping the filling to the tooth, the process is

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