Dental Implants Persuasive Speech

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One of the best things about dental implants is that they are ideally designed to stay in place for the rest of your life. However, the success and longevity of your dental implants depends largely upon how you treat them, just like the longevity of your natural teeth depends upon how you treat them. Here are a few tips that will help you ensure that your dental implants, or artificial teeth, last for years to come.

#1 Clean Your Implants On A Daily Basis

Just like your natural teeth, your artificial or implanted teeth need to be cleaned on a daily basis as well. When you brush your teeth, make sure that you scrub all sides of your artificial teeth well. Brush it just like you would one of your natural teeth.

You also need to floss around your artificial teeth. Flossing your teeth is the best way to remove the plaque that can build up around your tooth. This is especially important when you have an artificial tooth implanted in your mouth. There is generally a microscopic space between the implant post and your gums and bone. Although you may not be able to see this space, bacteria and …show more content…

Gum disease would weaken your gum and bone and damage the support that your post needs in order to last in your mouth.

#2 Get Regular Dental Cleanings

If you have dental implants in your mouth, getting regular dental cleanings becomes even more important. Dental cleanings will help get rid of any plague and bacteria that gets into the microscopic openings around your implant.

You should go in for a dental cleaning at least every six months when you have dental implants. Most insurance companies will cover a cleaning every six months. If you are able to afford some extra cleanings out of pocket, you may want to consider going in every three months instead. Extra cleaning will only improve the health of your mouth and your dental implants.

#3 Watch What You Put Into Your

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