Democracy In Athens Essay

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Democracy is defined as a government system where the power and authority is vested in the eligible members of a state. Citizens meet to discuss policies and they make their final decisions by the majority rule. It is said to practice social equality and it focuses on the decisions made by the majority of the citizens in a certain country/city. In this specific system of government, all the citizens participate actively in the process of governing.

The first form of democracy occurred in Athens — a city state located in Ancient Greece. Athens was the location where the earliest democracy began. This idea started when the citizens of Athens wanted to discover an unaccustomed way of making decisions different than how an autocratic system of government works. They wanted to think of a way to let the citizens of the state have a voice that can influence decisions, because in an autocratic system of government only a small group of people make decisions for the citizens of a certain state The citizens of Athens were finally given access to the government offices and courts. Although, it seemed as all the regular …show more content…

One of the most impactful characteristics is that the citizens rule. All decisions are of government are under the control of the city/country’s citizens, the citizens share the power to decide on how they will be governed. Also, within the bounds of a democracy the majority rule is followed. The majority rules, but the minorities’ rights should still be respected and noticed. All democratic governments should have a balance between the majority and minority’s preferences. If a decision made by the majority of citizens affect the decisions of the minority’s in a negative way — the decision would be adjusted by the government to fulfill all the citizens needs and everything will be

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