Definition Of Fear Essay

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Fear is an interesting emotion.
Biologically, it is a very useful and vital emotion that keeps us safe from danger. For example, when we see dangerous animal our heart rate may accelerate, palms may sweat and perhaps our breathing becomes restricted. It is our body preparing to deal with the potential danger facing us while we decide whether we should run or fight (often referred to as the fight or flight response).
However, fear has taken on a very new function in our society where we are decreasingly put in dangerous situations and have instead attached fear to more practical and common events in our lives such as asking for a raise or during an interview. Although fear is often considered a negative emotion, this article aims to provide …show more content…

Our comfort zone can be composed of many things, but ultimately it draws the boundary for who we willingly interact with, what goals we pursue and what activities we participate in. When we step outside of this comfort zone, we will feel fear.
But what happens when our comfort zone begins to constrict us?
It can lead to the diminishment of the quality of our lives. Fear can be so paralyzing we may never pursue our goals due to fear of failure, may miss out on activities that we would enjoy, or perhaps miss out on relationships with new friends and significant others. For this reason, it is important we remain defiant in the face of fear and always push to expand our comfort zones.
As alluded to above, some of the best things in life are things we may be at first scared to do. Often things we have no fear toward are things we have become very familiar with. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean we are happy with the things we are familiar with. It is quite common to be in situations in life that are undesirable yet familiar, and the familiarity may be a sufficient reason to stay. When we choose to fight our fears, we can create optimal situations for ourselves in any sphere of life because mere familiarity is not equated with

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