The Concepts Of Human Culture: The Definition Of Culture

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1.1.culture 1.1.1.definition of culture A number of definitions of culture have emerged over the past fifty years. what is culture in your viewpoint in your own words? In 1960s social scientists viewed culture as closely related to human learning. Since that time ,? there was an ongoing discussion on the definition of culture. Brown (2007) defined culture as the context within which people exist, think, feel, and relate to others, as the ‘’glue’’ (p.188) that binds groups of people together. The center for Advanced Research On Language Acquisition defines culture as shared patterns of behabiours ? or interactions ?,cognitive constructs and understanding that they are learned by socialization . Despite multiple attempts …show more content…

The origin of the word culture is derived from the Latin word ‘’cultura’’, which means cultivation and growing. The human history has a major piece in cultivating the human minds .? For some peole ?culture refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and food .However, for an anthropologist ? and other behavioral scientists , culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns . The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B.Tylor in his book , ? Primitive Culture, published in 1971. Tylor said that culture is ‘’That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art , law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.’’of ? course , it is not limited to men. Women possess ? it and create it as …show more content…

First, in Matthew Arnolds’ Culture and Anarchy (1867) ,culture ? referred to special intellectual or artistic endeavors or products, what today is called ‘’High Culture’’ as opposed to ‘’Popular Culture’’. By this ? definition , only a portion –typically a small one of any social group has culture . So, the commons were considred ? to be a source of anarchy . On the whole, this sense of culture is more closely related to aesthetics than to social science . ?? Second, as pioneered by Edward Tylor in Primitive Culture (1870), referred to? a quality possessed by all people in all social groups . In opposition to Arnold’s ? view , all folks have culture , which they acquire by virtue of membership in some social groups .In this regard, culture is holistic. That is to say, habits, abilities, and qualities interact cyclically to make up a system called culture. In addition, society is the main source to acquire culture. Tylor went further by classifying the development of culture as a transition from savage through barbaric to civilized

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