Definition Essay: What Makes A Perfect Society

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Many people spend large amounts of their time pondering over the question, what makes a society perfect? It ultimately depends on your definition of a perfect society; different people have different needs and wants. Think of a world where all production was automated, no one had to go without as everything was automatically produced. People would spend a large amount of their time educating themselves to produce better technology. This society would be at the pinnacle of technology always, with better products coming out all the time. My perfect society would be one in which science and technology is valued above all else. In the world we live in today, human people have to spend a large portion of their life creating goods that we want, and food and water that we need. Right now, more and more of that is being automated, but people are still needed. It is not too hard to imagine a near future, where all production is automated. The only people you would need would be a supervisor. One person to feed everyone else, no one else would need to work. This would not stop the potential of future advances, humans being humans, would still want new goods and services. Companies would have an …show more content…

The answer is simple, education and science. People will still be needed to develop new goods, and research new technology. People would spend a large portion of their life in education, learning whatever they want to learn. All education would be free for all, forever. If someone wishes to learn until the day they die, they can. This would lead to everyone being educated and well informed. There would be no restrictions on what to do with the education that they receive. They can go into science and technology fields, or they could go into a creative field instead. Due to the always better nature of technology, there will always be something better that can be

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