Definition Essay On Being A Hero

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“Being a hero doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It means you’re brave enough to stand up and do what’s needed.” (Rick Riordan) When considering heroes, characters such as Iron Man, Superman, or the Hulk probably come to mind, but these are merely comic book heroes. Fantasies. And even though everyone loves an armored billionaire who can destroy a skyscraper with one blast, a true hero isn’t someone with cool powers or a fancy suit. Rick Riordan is claiming that a hero doesn’t have to have superhuman abilities. Instead, a true hero is an ordinary person who chooses to do the right thing and to help others, even if they have to make sacrifices themself, and is selfless, able to resist temptations, brave, and humble. A true hero can be any ordinary person willing to do what’s …show more content…

An example of this could be a stranger that selflessly stands up for a kid being bullied. This person is heroic because they have no affiliations with the kid, meaning that the event wouldn’t affect them at all, yet they choose to selflessly risk themselves knowing that the the bully would probably be after them next. The act performed by this stranger is selfless because they risked themself without any benefits. Heroism also requires someone who can resist temptations from others. This could be an ordinary student that resists peer pressure and doesn’t join a gang or do drugs, even though they know doing so would make them cool and gain them popularity. This makes them heroic because they were able to recognize and resist bad behavior even though they know it would make them popular. Another trait a true hero demonstrates is bravery in helping others. For example, firefighters courageously run into burning buildings, knowing the danger, to save those inside. This is heroic because the firefighters willingly risk themselves to save others in an act of bravery without expecting any sort of fame or other exceptional benefits in

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