Definition Essay Beauty

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Beauty can be defined in many ways. Generally people equate experiencing beauty with the sensation of visual pleasure, but can be so much more then. This essay will explore the definition of beauty through three different lenses; time and how it has changed, culture, and a broader definition of beauty. As time changes from generation to generation so does the meaning of this word. For example, in the Ancient Greek times they saw a similarity between mathematics and beauty. They believed that something had more beauty to it when it was symmetrical and proportional, so they designed their buildings this way. And as time continued Plato had a philosophy that humans are born understanding beauty. So when we are born we forget what it is until …show more content…

In the United States the way people see beauty is completely different from how other countries see it. For example, in China when people see each other they see the standards of what they are suppose to be like. In China most women are in the trend of wanting a v-line face, wanting very light skin, and big eyes. For the people in India they have different expectations on how they should look. The women want long hair and want cream like skin. And as for the United States we want it all. We want to be skinny, have a really good tan, long beautiful hair, and if most people aren’t satisfied with how they look that’s when people want plastic surgery. There are many different perspectives on how people view beauty; in the examples above each country has a different perspective. Some of these countries may think that other countries beauty standards are very different, but these are all based on different opinions and perspectives people …show more content…

Beauty can be perceived as an emotion. When a person has a deep connection with someone they can feel so beautiful about that emotion and feeling. And with some people when that connection continues to grow so does that feeling. Beauty can also be perceived as kindness. For example, when someone really needs help physically or mentally and someone is there to help him or her that is beauty. When a person just sits down to listen to someone and how they feel that can be the most beautiful thing because not all of us have that, and sometimes a person needs that. Beauty is also love. When someone falls for someone most of the time they like outer beauty, but as that continues they start to fall for that person’s inner self. That person can be the most beautiful person on the out side but on the inside is when you get to really see the true beauty of someone. So when thinking of the word beauty sometimes people think of only outer beauty, but it really is so much more then that. Beauty can be so many different things just depending on how someone sees it. The word can change meaning through time though and maybe will continue to change as generations change. The word was perceived back in the Greek times, and then evolved into modern times has changed very dramatically. Continuing on into modern age the word has had several different meanings when it came to

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