Defining Success: The Meaning Of The Definition Of Success

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As I continue to grow and mature into a young adult, I have begun to realize that the word “Success” can have many different meanings. Depending on the person you’re discussing it with, they may see it differently than you do. The media and society have convinced us into accepting a misleading meaning of how success should be defined. Many people who are rich and seen as successful are often very stressed out and struggling with everyday life. Although, this is something that society often decides to look past because the rich are perceived to be very content and joyful with the way they are living their lives, almost as if they have nothing to worry about because of their success. When talking about success, people need to take into the account that the definition can have a variety of meanings, not only is success displayed from finances, but somebody could be considered successful for other things they do as well. In today’s society, the mainstream media and marketers try to make us believe that success is nothing more than finances and popularity. Thus, …show more content…

Completing tasks that can help the community not only bring happiness to the people within it, but also fill you with satisfaction as well. Knowing how to act as person, having respect for yourself and others, being responsible, having patience, being a leader, and many more life skills are things somebody can obtain without the use of money, popularity and fame are truly what define someone as being successful. An American actor named Denzel Washington once said “"Success? I don't know what that word means. I'm happy. But success, that goes back to what in somebody's eyes success means. For me, success is inner peace. That's a good day for me." By this, Washington means that success is not defined by what the people around you say, but by the qualities you have that make you who you

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