Death Comes For The Archbishop Summary

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Religion in Latin America was carved from a blend of Spanish colonial Catholicism and indigenous super natural practices. The story of a Death Comes for the Archbishop represents the general struggle that the Roman Catholic Church experienced during the religious “reconquest” of America post 1820’s. The story follows a French Priest, Father Latour, and his attempt to bring back the Catholic religion to the southwestern part of America. Although the story is fictional it brings to the forefront several key problems that the Catholic Church went through trying to reassert its control. The ethnic diversity, local religious traditions, and politics of the region presented a completely insurmountable hurdle for the Roman Catholic Church to clear in its attempt to recapture its dominance in the religion of the region. …show more content…

The position of priests in the Americas during this time was seen by most people as godly heads of state who tended to be almighty. The one figure that represents the true issue of politics in this region would be Father Martinez. Father Martinez was able to sway a group of Indians to revolt against the government eventually leading to there deaths, but prior to there deaths he swayed the Indians to sign over their worldly possession to him making him one of the richest men in the region. Wealth gained loyal followers in this area during this time. Considering Priests not only were wealthy but also had the indigenous people backing them, the efforts of the Catholic Church could only push against these corrupt leaders to an extent before their loyal followers would turn against the church. This is seen when Father Martinez is forced out of priesthood and creates his own church that people flock

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