Death And The Lady

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"Death and the Lady" by Lesley Nelson-Burns is a famous, captivating piece of 18th century literature that influences culture in the most miraculous of ways. There are many parodies and references to this piece, even operas and ballads were made spun off it. Yet, there is not much known about the author, other than the fact that they were an Englishman. This poem is an amazing telling of a conversation between a figure named Death and a Lady. Conversations between Death and his victims were a very common theme during this era. But this piece in particular, was very intriguing due to its unique meaning and tone, and use of a narrative figure along with Death and the Lady. The meaning and tone of this piece are conveyed through its use of high-quality diction, symbolism, and allusion. The tone is different between the two figures talking. One figure, Death, spoke pitilessly but was fair, this is shown in the authors use of diction. "I come to none before their warrants sealed, / And, when it is, they must submit and yield. / I take no bribe, believe me this is true." The author specifically states that Death only comes to people when it's their time and that …show more content…

The author most likely wrote this piece for the purpose of addressing how the fear of death among people is futile. Since everyone will die eventually, it is better to live a life with no regret than to live a selfish one that is filled with fear and self-pity. This is shown throughout the poem in various ways, but mostly through the dialogue between Death and the Lady. This piece is very captivating, it's use of end rhyme steals its readers attention and it's diction effectively supports it's meaning. This author successfully has made a beautiful piece of literature on the fear of death, that will hopefully continue to influence other as it has up until

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