Death And Afterlife Essay

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Many regard the purpose of human existence to be that it is our duty to explain the unknown. From what we see in nature to the meaning of life, each civilization has attempted to explain the phenomenon of our world. The Greeks conquered philosophy, the Egyptians laid the groundwork for engineering, and the Romans established a learning curriculum that many nations still use today. Death and the afterlife are two topics that have still yet to be labeled with concrete evidence regarding who, what, when, where, and, of course, why. Since there is not a universal proof that answers what happens after we die, most cultures and religions have formed their own beliefs about what happens when we leave this world. Some believe our souls live on forever, …show more content…

However, those who follow Hinduism believe that true happiness cannot be achieved until one has rejected all forms of material goods. When Hindus witness the death of a close friend or relative, they are again reminded that life on earth, power, and possessions are temporary and have no contribution to eternal happiness. During this time their focus is also shifted towards remembering their true purpose on earth: achieving moksha and liberation. This begins by rejecting the path of desire. This is where followers find pleasure and success and allows them to chart their life’s progress through possession of material goods. However, it is impossible for one to be completely fulfilled by the path of desire, and those who claim to be are considered to have lacked the morals and ideals necessary for living a meaningful life. Individuals on earth will find it very difficult to reject this path, but it is necessary in order to transition onto the path of renunciation. This path involves sacrificing affluence, dedicating one’s self to the betterment of the community, and realizing that life holds more than what is on the surface. Practicing various types of yoga according to one’s character, including jnana yoga, raja yoga, bhakti yoga, and karma yoga, can help followers clear their mind of

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