Dear John Research Paper

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Unfortunate Events Nicholas Sparks’s film, Dear John, is based on a love story. The movie revolves around two main characters, Savannah Curtis played by Amanda Seyfried, a college student and John Tyree acted by Channing Tatum, who is an army special force. If a character dies in a Nicholas Sparks movie I don’t think that qualifies as being a spoiler. The beginning of their romance starts off at a pier when Savannah’s purse falls into the water and John jumps from the top of the pier to retrieve it for her. That ignited the start of a two weeks romance that changed their lives for the better and for the worst. They did everything together; they shared their wildest dreams and their biggest fears. Summer quickly came to an end and they …show more content…

John showed Savannah a trick with the moon that said “where ever you are in the world, your thumb is never bigger than the moon”, indicating that he’ll always keep her close and when he looks at the moon, he’ll remember her. They made a promise to keep in touch through letters and the letters started with the heading “Dear John”. Inside contained details of what they had missed from each other’s lives and how much they wished they were together. Since John was in the army, he couldn’t give details of where he was because it was dangerous, but he would explain what it was like in the particular place, sometimes he mentioned that the place he was currently in made him miss the other …show more content…

The most heartbreaking part is when John comes back from being away and he finds out that the love of his life, Savannah, has married someone else. How can you understand why the love of your life would chose to break your heart in a million pieces? Things didn’t make sense to John, he was devastated and all he wanted to do was be able to spend his time with Savannah like they did the first two weeks they fell in love.
In comparison to other Nicholas Sparks film, Dear John isn’t the ordinary romance film, it involves a young couple that has been in love, but torn apart by circumstances that cannot be controlled. Distance played a major role in Savannah and John’s relationship. If John weren’t in the army, Savannah wouldn’t have been forced to make a difficult decision that changed their

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