Dear Esther Minor Literature Summary

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Why Dear Esther Can’t Be Minor Literature Is the video game Dear Esther minor literature? People want to consider Dear Esther as literature because of how different it is from a traditional game; it plays more like an interactive book, a story that is read very much like a book, but with the option to explore the text in a more physical way. However, because Dear Esther is not a book, some don’t want to classify it as literature, but as minor literature. Minor literature being a work of literature that subverts tradition. Though minor literature may subvert tradition, Dear Esther does not, and so isn’t minor literature; minor literature must be literature that is written in a major language, but is based on a minority positon, is thoroughly …show more content…

The pain of losing a loved one can drive a man to insanity, or maybe the tale of an island where all human grief ends up, an island that is inside our minds. Despite the large number of possible stories that could be pulled away from this game, it doesn’t have a political narrative. All of the key elements of Dear Esther have to deal with being human (discovery, loss of life, relationships, ect..), but not a political environment. The Color Purple has a political message about the wrongs endured by African Americans by institutional racism during the 1930s. Dear Esther doesn’t even offer the claim that games as literature are being oppressed in a world dominated by text. Simply, Dear Esther is trying to be very much like a traditional text and less like a game. Other games like Mass Effect or Skyrim oppose traditional text by showing how they can have a truly interactive story and still be as cohesive as traditional texts. While Dear Ester can give a different story based on the random chance of certain story elements showing up, it doesn’t allow player actions to determine these elements; no matter where the player walks or what the player does, they’ll get different elements every time. Dear Esther is like an adventure book , the reader can pick which way they want to go, but their actions do not and cannot affect the actual world the story takes place in. Since Dear Esther doesn’t have a real political message, it can’t be considered minor literature. Now that we know Dear Esther cant deterritorializationing language and doesn’t contain a political message, can it be of collective

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