David Mccullough's History And Knowing Who We Are

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After reading History And Knowing Who We Are by David McCullough, I notice some very important things he has pointed out, such as the lack of knowledge of the younger generations, the way people are unable to move on from the past, and the lack of people helping the country advance. In McCullough’s essay, he points out how the younger generation is uneducated on the history of the United States, “Today, the new generation of young Americans are like a field of cut flowers, by-and-large historically illiterate. This does not bode well for our future.” (McCullough). This affects the way our country functions because we don’t know our background and previous events in our history. Some of the ethnic groups behave differently towards others because of the information they have learned about history, but they were not taught the entire story so they have hatred toward people of different ethnicities. Another problem with not being educated on our history is we don’t appreciate …show more content…

The people who fight for this country are not people that are flawless, or superhuman, they are regular people who were determined to make a difference in this country. The presidents of the United States and other people of the government were not born differently than everyone else, or more special, they are like everyone else, but help come up with ideas to make the country more successful and efficient. With this being said, you’re not required to only fight on the battlefield, or be a part of the government just to make a difference in our

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