David Hume's Criticism Of Hard Determinism

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The thesis of hard determinism is that the notion that every event is caused in accordance with causal laws, which account completely for its occurrence. Obviously, for the hard determinist, nothing is uncaused. We can't even imagine what it would mean for a thing to be “uncaused.” If you have A – B has to happen. It could not happen any other way and it must happen that particular way. The hard determinist claims that for every event there are antecedent causes that ensure the occurrence and that is indubitable. Your present actions are part of a causal chain that extends back far before your birth, and each link of the chain determines the next link on the chain. Hence, although it may appear to you that you have control over your present …show more content…

It is clear, Hume says that the idea of cause must be derived from a relation between objects; we cannot find any quality common to the impressions we call 'causes'. He argues, firstly, that causes and effects are usually contiguous, that is, physically adjacent in space, either immediately or mediately. Further, a cause is temporarily prior to its effects. Of even greater importance is the idea of necessary connection. “Or in other words where, if the first object had not been, the second never had existed", Hume said. The principle is discovered neither by intuition nor by demonstration, it is not a relation of ideas; there is no contradiction in denying that something can begin to exist without a cause. The causal inference must be grounded in experience not in any intuitive knowledge of 'essences'. And our belief rests on what he calls constant conjunction of particular instances. What Hume means is that we observe event A on a number of occasions as being both contiguous with and prior to event B, and call A the cause and B the effect. It is from observation of these repeated impressions that the idea of necessity arises through the activity of the

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