Dating Job Interview

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Is Dating a Job Interview ?

So, as we progress in our constantly evolving world and in our extremely busy lives, it seems as if we grow farther apart when we should be growing closer together as a nation. In this paper I'm going to discuss two processes that are completely different but share more similarities than you would imagine. What I'm going to explain is how attending a job interview is much like going on a first date. Without further delay, lets get to it. The first similarity we will discuss is initiative. Initiative basically means the ability to take charge. With that being said, it should be self explanatory, but we are going to discuss it anyway. One cannot get a job without actively seeking it. They must assert themselves, …show more content…

Now I know what your thinking, good references? That doesn't have anything to do with dating, but lets think about it for a minute. When your looking for a job you are always asked the same questions, if you have references, and plan on getting any kind of notable job you had better have not only references, but recommendation letters as well. These two things are of much value when potential employers are considering you for a position within their company, reason being, they can call your references and find out how your behavior and jobs skills were at your previous place of employment. Recommendation letters are typically typed letters from people who hold higher offices, or are superiors that you have developed a bond with or impressed with your work ethic. Now, for the fun part, how all this is similar to a first date? References are important in a first date because you don't want to potentially date someone who recently escaped prison or has their date from last night locked in their trunk. You rely on a sort of a network of people which are basically your references, someone can ask if any of there friends know you, and not to mention the amazing world of Facebook and Judici! The same can be said about recommendation letters, these would be your close friends, the ones that you would send in first to instigate a conversation to make sure the ice is broken before entering the conversation. I know its a bit tough to understand, but if we look at the whole picture and remember maybe some personal experiences, it will make

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