Darwin And Karl Marx And Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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Superficially, it may seem there is not much of a connection between Darwin, an old English gentleman, and Karl Marx, a revolutionary communist advocate. But Marx immediately recognized the importance of Darwin's theory in his 'Origin of Species' when it was published. Frederich Engles, who helped Marx write his Communist Manifesto, also held Darwin in very high esteem. What Marx and Engles appreciated was Darwin's methodology, what was most important was that Darwin's theory could demonstrate historical progression in Nature. Darwin had brought about a revolution in historical thought that placed biology at it's center. With Darwin having such an influence on Marx's ideology, it is only natural that we compare their concepts to see, perhaps, where Marx was 'original' and where he was not.

The scientific importance of both Darwinism and Marxism have their basis in a theory of evolution. One upon the domain of the organic world; the other, upon the domain of society. Darwin's theory essentially set out to answer the question: How did all these species come to be, where did they come from, and where are they headed? Turning to Marxism, we immediately see a great conformity with Darwinism. Like Darwin, Marx also sets out to answer a similar question: What were these classes, how did they differ from each other, and what was the end goal for these classes?

The idea of the class struggle is central to both Marx and Darwin's theories. For Marx, it is nothing more than the offspring of capitalist exploitation. This struggle existed long before Marx came into existence. In this struggle, the workers, being exploited, would think about and demand another system where exploitation would be nonexistent. However, since they were at the '...

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... discovery of America paved the way. This market has given an immense development to commerce, to navigation, to communication by land... We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeosie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange. (Marx 476-477)

Thus, we can see that Marxism and Darwinism, though aren't really two separate theories that act int their own special domains. The same concept underlies both theories. The new course taken when humans go from the animal state of nature to the human state of nature this causes the groundwork for this theory to manifest itself completely differently. In conclusion, the concepts behind Darwinism and Marxism aren't too different, it is simply the development of the concept in two entirely different 'states of nature' that make them appear different.

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