Darth Vader: What Makes A Good Villain?

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Ever since the dawn of literature, there has been villians. We remember these iconic villains for their evil doings or how they fought a hero. How they are remembered differs on the person and interpretation. Sometimes the villain even outshines the hero. A hero is only as good as the villain. My three main points are what make a villain a good villain, what factors are involved and what makes the Villain memorable. The point is how villains are remembered are different and very influential with the viewers. The most memorable villain of my childhood was Darth Vader. As a huge Star Wars fan and his character was one of the main reasons I loved those movies. Most people born in the last forty years can agree to this statement. What makes Darth Vader a very memorable villain is that he is absolutely …show more content…

In Stuart Fischoff article about villains, Villains in film: Anemic Renderings, he explains what makes a villain worth remembering. Fischoff states “What makes a villain interesting is less often what he does than why he does it”(707). By this, we can see his expert opinion on what makes a villain memorable. Fischoff is saying that it isn't that important what they do, but how they do it and why. The inner mechanisms of a evildoers mind is much important than physical actions. This is because he physical actions are influenced by the mind. What makes a villain great is his plotting and reasoning why he must do harm against someone. Elaborate planning and suspense makes a great story and a movie to remember. Fischhoff references many great villains in movies such as Cobra, In the Line of Fire, Hudson Hawk, the Company and Deathwish. These movies are notable because the Villains outshine the heroes. Fischoff goes off on explaining how Villains have reasons and that they were not born Villains. All villains have clear motivations and a good villain should mirror a real life

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