Survival and Emotional Resilience in Dystopian Novels

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This essay will compare the novels Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts and Unwind by Neal Shusterman. As both novels are about survival, we will outline the strategies the characters used to mentally move forward after a setback. The novels Dark Inside and Unwind both portray the idea of hiding their feelings in order to keep moving forward. Risa and Aries both leave someone they have grown to love and must continue feeling as if they broke a promise. Chickadee and Connor abandoned by people they thought they could trust, now having to set aside their anger. Mai and Colin are faced with the deaths of their partners and are now broken inside. The feeling of betraying someone who is oblivious to your actions is exactly what Aries and Risa had to go through. …show more content…

The characters have a hard time coping with the fact that the ones they love, Ariana and Paul, had left them. Both Chickadee and Connor could have stopped their journey right then, but decided to push away they anger they had for their loved ones and move forward as hard as it might have been. The two characters went through a faze where they would start to long for their loved ones but would then snap out of it and finally realise, that was the least of their worries, now they had to worry about surviving without them. Paul and Ariana had the choice to leave, but Vincent and Sara did not, leaving their partners in distress.
When Vincent and Sara had died their partners Mai and Colin went through a series of emotions. Mai shows no feeling as she is seen as a tough person through the novel, later she grows anger with the “Goldens”, but still shows little emotion as she grew silent after Vincent had died. Colin, also losing his partner became very angry as well, and completely shut out his feelings for Sara and was now focused on something else. It seems as if the two characters focussed on surviving after the deaths more than focussing on

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