Dark Horse Figurative Language

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Dark Horse
This song “Dark Horse” can be quite interesting by how much figurative language the song provides. This song uses hyperbole, similes, metaphors, idioms, and onomatopoeia. An example for this is woo in the quote “Woo! Damn I think I love her”. The amount of songs out there that include figurative languages is amazing. There are obviously songs that do not have any figurative language in them.
This song uses about a grand total of five hyperbole related sentences. One will be " 'Cause I'm capable of anything Of anything and everything". Now everyone knows humans can't be capable of everything unless the human is some kind of a superhuman. The next quote shall be "This love will make you levitate". Love can't make people suspend in mid-air. Final hyperbole quote is "She eat your heart out Like Jeffrey Dahmer". She and Jeffrey will never eat people's heart and a hyperbole is an exaggeration of something.
During the song he says "She’s a beast" and he is comparing her to a beast or a monster. Also in the song she will say "Shawty so bad". That will be a metaphor because she will be comparing how crummy Shawty is. The third quote is "She can be my Sleeping Beauty". This is saying if she …show more content…

Another reason why this was typed is because while going through the song "Dark Horse" anyone will be able to find about eleven different similes equaling to "She’ll turn cold as a freezer". Also in the first quote the singer is comparing someone he knows to a freezer. He uses cold as a slang word and the slang word cold, means how mean someone is. One more quote for a simile will be "She rides me like a roller coaster" and that is comparing how someone he knows that is using him. Yet another quote from the song will be comparing on how kind she is by saying "She’s sweet as pie". Final quote listing for an simile is "'Cause I’m coming atcha like a dark horse" and in that quote she was comparing herself to a

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