Daniel Keyes Flowers For Algernon

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What if it were possible to triple human intelligence by surgical means? This is the question that Daniel Keyes answers in the story “Flowers for Algernon.” Charlie Gordan is the main character who wants to be smart and has brain surgery. After the surgery Charlie improves, learning how to read many advanced books. He also learns to write better using punctuation, and grammar correctly and falls in love with Alice. With the result of the surgery, he has more emotion expressing affection, grief, and guilt. However, Charlie regresses and loses his best friend, Algernon, his relationship with Alice, and all the knowledge he gained from the surgery. Wanting a fresh start, Charlie moves away from New York, leaving his relationships behind. Ultimately, this story …show more content…

Charlie also loses relationships with things in his life after the surgery. For example, we can see that this event occurs in the story when, after the surgery, he says, “I'm forgetting things that I learned recently.” Charlie writes, “I dont know why im dumb agen or what I did wrong maybe its becaus i dint try hard enuff.” By looking at the quote, we can see that Charlie loses his knowledge and is also forgetting many things. Charlie regressed further than before the surgery, losing memories, knowledge, and relationships. However, some would say that Charlie should've had the surgery because he found love and learned new stuff. Irregularly, Charlie shouldn't have had the surgery because he forgets his relationships and loses the knowledge he gained from the surgery. Losing feelings for Alice, forgetting everyday things, and forgetting proper English. Second, Charlie is incorrect in having the surgery because he gained memories and experiences just to forget them, also likely bringing him a premature death. For instance, we can see Charlie is incorrect in undergoing the surgery when he realizes he will lose his memory and

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