Dana Rohrabacher's Response To The Legalization Of Weed

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The article “Bitter-end drug warriors do more damage than weed. “Written by congressman Dana Rohrabacher was in response to the illegalization of marijuana recreationally and medicinally. President Nixon’s 1971 declaration of the “war on drugs” placed marijuana on the list of schedule I substances. Dana Rohrabacher wrote the column addressing marijuana and the harsh consequences associated with it. All fifty states are now trying to lessen the aftermath of not only medical marijuana, but recreational use as well. With his government credibility, explanation of heart breaking consequences associated with use, and proven scientific advancements, Dana Rohrabacher elaborates on his idea that marijuana should not be illegal in any state.
Dana Rohrabacher …show more content…

Dana Rohrabacher goes into detail in his article about how the advantages out weigh the disadvantages of the legalization of cannabis. He claims that the only true negative aspect of marijuana is the penalties and heart breaking consequences associated with the use of it. President Nixon’s declaration of the “war on drugs” in 1971 lead to today’s regulation of marijuana being classified as a schedule I substance. Along with marijuana, other substances such as heroin, LSD, MDMA, GHB, and many more drugs are ranked as equally “dangerous” substances. Consequences of being caught with a schedule I substance include, but aren’t refined to, up to 1 to 5 years in prison and up to a 1 million dollar fine. Dana Rohrabacher made the statement that “countless lives have been ruined, not by the drug itself, but by the legal regimen that followed”. Rohrabacher has stated that marijuana itself isn’t ruining lives, but the punishment of being caught with it is ruining many lives. According to the American Civil Liberty Union, of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between the years of 2001 and 2010, 88% were simple possession charges. Less than 10% of marijuana convictions are felony charges. Although misdemeanors aren’t as severe as a felony charge, they still hinder lives. Misdemeanors can prevent one from obtaining a job. They also can come …show more content…

Logically, medicinal use of cannabis could be the answer to many patients suffering across the US. The law is restricting doctors from fully exploring the advantages of this miracle plant. Cannabis can be grown into many parts. The plant produces a resin called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids have been used in study to reduce pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and many other side effects of illnesses and disease. Although these studies are limited, cannabinoids have been proven to help treat the symptoms and side effects of treating cancer. The studies have mainly showed an advantage to children. Cannabis has been used to treat symptoms of heart breaking diseases including HIV, cancer, epilepsy, dementia, and many more. A miracle drug, far safer than opiates, has been proven to remove or lessen the effect of such terrible diseases. Dana Rohrabacher wants our citizens to have full access to a substance that can only help them. In an interview, Dana Rohrabacher’s democratic colleague Sam Farr states that marijuana is not a gateway drug, but the physicians and government prescribing addicting opiates and suppressants are in fact the gateway drug. The government refuses to allow doctors and facilities to treat patients with the “gateway drug”. In response to Sam Farr’s statement, the DEA released that they are only trying to protect

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