Daisy's Ambition In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby’s obsession for one woman leads to the ultimate downfall. The story begins when the narrator, Nick Carraway, goes to dinner in East Egg at his cousin Daisy Buchanan’s house. Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan, with whom Nick went to college. While there, Nick meets a friend of Daisy’s named Jordan Baker, who informs him that Tom is cheating on Daisy. One day, Nick goes into town with Tom, and Tom introduces him to his mistress, Myrtle Wilson. Nick also meets George Wilson, who owns an auto repair shop and is unaware that Myrtle is cheating on him. Nick, who lives next door to Gatsby in West Egg where he eventually meets Gatsby at a party, and they become friends. As they grow closer, Nick …show more content…

Gatsby follows Daisy to New York and buys his house in West Egg “so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (Fitzgerald 79). Daisy does not know he is there, but he wants to be as close to her as possible and sometimes stares at the green light at the end of her dock (Fitzgerald 21). Also, Gatsby throws elaborate, expensive parties almost every weekend for people he doesn’t know or talk to. Jordan reveals the reason he throws these parties is because “he half expected her [Daisy] to wander into one of his parties, some night” (Fitzgerald 79). At these parties, he asks people about Daisy, always trying to find a way to get close to her. He is willing to try anything he can think of for the chance to see Daisy again. After Gatsby and Daisy return from the town, Gatsby refuses to leave Daisy alone with Tom. Despite Nick reassuring him that Daisy is safe and Gatsby should go home, Gatsby insists that he wants “to wait here until Daisy goes to bed” (Fitzgerald 145). He continues to try to protect Daisy, even though he is not welcome. Everything Gatsby has done for the last five years has been an attempt for him to get closer to Daisy. He invades on her life because he still loves her, even though she has clearly moved on. Because Gatsby buys a house across the bay from Daisy, throws elaborate parties hoping she will come, and waits outside her house all night, he is obviously

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