Daily Life In Sparta

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Daily Life in Athens and Sparta Daily life in Athens and Sparta must have been so different from each other, like living in two different worlds. The lives of Athenians are pretty well known from the surviving artifacts, including pottery, architecture, and writing depicting daily activities of the citizens. Of the Spartan life very little is known: Sparta’s focus was on military strength; they did not give much value to writing and the arts. What we do know of them comes from the impressions of outsiders. Four sources: Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, and Plutarch are credited with what information remains of Sparta today (Canadian Museum of History, n.d.). The lives of citizens in each city would depend on their economic status. I have …show more content…

He is required to supply food for his Syssitia and the grain from his ancestral lands in Messenia have not arrived. Helots, serf slaves, farm the land and he does not have the time to go there and find out why the crop has not been delivered. His wife lives at home with their infant son and his parents, but he does not live there. He lives in the military barracks with his Syssitia group. Today is a special day for he will bring his son in front of the group of elders to be inspected. If he passes the test he will be given a name and return to live with his mother and grandparents (Brand, n.d.,p.6). To him his son looks strong and he is sure he will not be left on the mountain to die, but will grow to be a strong brave warrior. His daughter, now seven, has already joined the Agoge, for physical training and is proving to be a strong and bold girl. His wife has arranged to meet him on his return, if the child is worthy she will take him home and our citizen will return to his barracks in time for evening meal. If all bodes well he will sneak out tonight to be with his family and wife, on this special day (Emory,

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