Dadaism Impact

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Dadaism and it's impact on Art, Film and Literature. Since it's conception in the early 20th century, Dadaism has been an important movement in the artistic community for it has been one of the most thought provoking and controversial. It's interesting to look at it's place and influence in the art's and modern culture and ask how and why each piece uses Dadaism. Dadaism is the artistic movement that counters the social, political ideals of the time. The movement first started in Zurich with many contributors such as: Hugo Ball, Hans Richter and Tristan Tzara to name a few. The movement coincides with the outbreak World War 1 which is regarded to be the catalyst that started the whole movement, cynicism, apathy and a sense of dehumanization …show more content…

One of the most famous examples of this is "Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp is a French Artist often associated with the Dada movement, in particular with Fountain arguably the most iconic piece of Dada art. Fountain, in layman's terms, was a standard Bedfordshire model urinal that Duchamp rotated 90' degrees upside down and signed it with the initials "R.Mutt 1917" to which he submitted it to the society of Independent artists which they almost immediately declined on the ground that sanitary equipment is not deemed as art. The original Fountain was lost and it wasn't until 1938 that reproductions were being produced due to backlash of Duchamp and support from fellow artist. Fountain belongs to a Dada series by Duchamp called "Readymade" which are a collections of common household items such as: a bottle rack "The Bottle rack", a snow shovel "In advance of the Broken Arm" and a Bicycle Wheel (Bicycle Wheel). Duchamp would display these items as a mock the common conception that arts primary function is to be aesthetically pleasing. With regards to Duchamp's Fountain and Readymade, I think that initial reaction and rejection by the American Society in itself confirms Duchamp's Dada message of societal …show more content…

Film, when compared to conventional art Film in general, is more narrative based than conventional art and more visual based than literature. With this in mind, Filmmakers can use Dadaism Both aesthetically and narratively. Dada Films tend to lack a coherent narrative and focus more on thought provoking imagery and sounds
Ghost before Time is a short Black and White Dada film, directed by German Dada Artist Hans Richter in 1927. It should be noted that the Original version included a soundtrack by Paul Hindemith, However no copies of this version of the movie exist due to the Nazi Party destroying it deeming the film as "Degenerative Art" (The Film states this at the fact very early). The Film gives us a montage of various seemingly arbitrary stop-motion and live action footage with seems to have little to no correlation with each

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