DIY Energy Audits

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So you turn off lights when you leave a room, use CFL light bulbs throughout the house instead of incandescent, and keep the temperature indoors a little cooler in winter and higher in summer. Wondering why your energy bills remain so high? The answer might be flying out your windows and walls without you realizing it. According to the Department of Energy, a professional energy audit can identify exactly where your energy dollars are used -- and easily help the average homeowner save anywhere from 5 to 30 percent on utility bills. Even a preliminary DIY energy audit, focusing on two key areas, will assist you in significantly cutting back on your normal energy usage.

Air Leaks

If there's one place where the most energy loss occurs, it's probably through air leaks. In fact, …show more content…

Rattling window panes, mold and mildew (much less rot), missing pieces -- when you find something wrong, promptly note it and repair or call a professional.

Follow your inspection with a round of weatherstripping, caulk or expanding foam insulation. Weatherstrip the windows and doors, along with the threshold, if the original is missing or brittle. Use caulk in small cracks and voids; squirt a bit of expanding foam insulation into larger gaps and cracks. It will swell and fill the area, insulating and weather-sealing. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

Note: Spiders can help you identify air leaks. Just look for cobwebs, suggests the City of Houston. Spiders make their webs where there is air movement.

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