Cursive Writing Argumentative Essay

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USA today has posted a statistic saying that there are 41 states that do not require cursive to be taught(Tarshis). As of recently the Common Core standards do not require penmanship, specifically cursive, as they use to in favor of typing and print. Cursive Writing is an unnecessary skill that should not be taught. With the digital age growing and devices being more and more common the ability to write in flowing letters is not needed. Anne Trubek Brings to attention the bonuses of typing at a young age stating “Many students now achieve typing automaticity ...This allows them to focus on higher-order concerns, such as rhetorical structure and word choice”. Kids are able to type rapidly to allow for other subjects to be taught. This allows Students to focus on what they are learning instead of making the letter “P” look perfect. When comparing the pros and cons of cursive writing the use of digital texts available to read is brought up with the simple statement .“Digital texts make it obsolete”(”Debate Over Cursive Writing: Necessary Skill Or a Waste of Time?”). Any document that was in cursive can now be read by anyone as many important cursive documents have been transcribed digitally. The ability to read these documents in …show more content…

Australian experts and finland's board of education agree saying “learning to type was "more relevant to everyday life"”(Kerin).Typing will be used much more frequently than cursive. With only so much time in the day it is more important to teach the skill that will be used. Trubek comments on the decline of handwriting, let alone cursive explaining “If printing letters remains a useful if rarely used skill, cursive has been superannuated”.In today’s world printing by hand is becoming less and less present. Teaching children something they will never use, such as cursive, does not make sense.Cursive even loses the priority of child

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