Culture Of Alternative Music, Rock And Roll

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Culture of Alternative Music Culture involves our values, beliefs, morals, language, tradition, family, friends our history. Music is also our culture, we reflect and listen to it. Not everyone listens to the same type of music, we all enjoy different genres of music, however, one of the main music genres is alternative music. Alternative music has changing over time,but not everyone notices the change in the culture of music. Alternative music started as rock and roll, however, throughout the years it has changed. Rock and roll took many directions and new music started to emerge. Throughout the years, alternative music has changed, and no one really knows how it has evolved. Music is a part of our culture, we reflect as well as listen to it with friends and family. However from the start music has taken dramatic turns that has made the culture of music alter. …show more content…

The continuous years of rock and roll took different paths. “Rock and roll was a powerful new form of music that combined elements of rhythm and blues (R&B), pop, blues, and hillbilly music to create a sound that truly shook America”(1950s: Music). In the article, 1950s: Music, rock and roll was born in the 1950s and made what it is today. Rock and roll was a new sort of music that was powerful, rock and roll had a meaning to it. “Rock and roll was a social as well as a musical force. In an era when much of American culture was segregated, rock and roll was integrated. Blacks and whites played in bands together, recorded each other's songs, and were played on the same radio stations”(1950s: Music). Rock and roll was not just music, but it brought people together. According to the article, rock and roll was born in the time where segregation was taking part of our society. However rock and roll brought people together no matter the race or

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