Culture And Human Culture

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Language is the product of the collective living of a community of people. It is a medium with the help of which people of one community communicate with the people of other communities. Language not only helps to communicate but it also helps in understanding others culture. In other words the decay of one language means the decay of that culture. It is an inalienable part of the human culture, and thus in other words human culture is chiefly expressed through language, though other medium (like actions, gesture, body movements which is known as the body language etc) of cultural expression do exist. Language, through expressions can give shape to various thoughts and ideas. In order to understand the culture of a society and the cultural history of a society, the understanding of the language of that society and that of its preceding generations is a prime requirement on the part of the researchers. Scholars have to satisfy themselves with the historic records and the archaeological materials available to them for this purpose. Some scholars attempt to trace back the shape and the features of the pre-historic language system of a society through conjecture, mostly based on the earliest available historic materials. Language change is an interesting topic to be studied for all country and for all civilization. No matter whether the civilization is still existing or banished. People living in different parts of the world, speak different languages. In China although there is a standard language, Putonghua yet there are many languages and dialects and it is difficult to find a lingua franca common to all. All this being the stark realities and bare facts of Chinese linguistic scenario, there is a need to study, what gives rise to... ... middle of paper ... ...evolution passes through various phases. During those phases the language changes due to the changing material situation of the society. Even within a single society there is a hierarchy based on economic situation of individuals. The language is being shaped according to the social strata of the individual's class. For example in Charles Dicken's novels the workers and nobles used different forms of English language. It is not only formal words rather the style of speech and choice of words also varies on the basis of class differentiation. In present day England there still exists two forms of English-British and Queen’s English. This sort of stratification is very sharp in the developing countries where there is a sharp division of society on the basis of class. Different branches of linguistics opine that language changes are slow and sometimes take centuries.

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