Cultural Stereotypes And Cultural Assignment: Perception And Culture

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Perception and Culture Assignment I recently watched “The Office” season 1, episode 2 named Diversity Day. In this episode I witnessed Michael Scott, the boss on the show, embarrass his employees by placing common, but misleading, cultural stereotypes. Though, his intentions were mostly harmless they still caused others to feel uncomfortable feelings of embarrassment, anger, confusion, and pain. This episode shows great examples of how others deal with those emotional and stressful situations from the common stereotypes often placed on those of different cultures. In this episode of “The Office” I found multiple embarrassing moments. The one that stuck out the most to me was when Michael Scott talked to Kelly Kapoor, an employee in “The Office” that is an Indian woman, like she couldn’t understand due to her race. This broke down Kapoor’s walls and made her “lose” face. Face is the mask that you put up when you’re around others so that they will perceive you as that person. Therefore, the kind, …show more content…

Everyone should be mindful of others and respect them no matter what. By understanding cultures more than just what is preplaced into our heads we can show respect and understanding without seeming unintelligent. If you treat someone based only off of cultural stereotypes then they will most likely feel unimportant, annoyed, upset, and/or angry. This being said the characters should have treated everyone the same unless asked to change the way they were acting by a person themselves. If everyone was to just do this then people wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not what they are saying is right or not; because if you have to wonder if what you’re about to say is acceptable or not, then it probably

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