Cultural Relativism: An Argument Of Moral Objectivism

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Moral Objectivism says that there are set moral truths that characterize the way the world should or shouldn’t be. Cultural Relativism claims that to be wrong and that moral judgement is true just because it correctly describes what a society really stands for. The Relativist is incorrect, during this I will construct multiple arguments against Cultural Relativism and why their rebuttal would pose no problem to arguments presented in the realm of Moral Objectivism. Cultural Relativism theory has numerous holes in its theory beginning with that it holds all claims to be true relative to their culture. If all moral claims are to be taken literally then they create contradictories in Cultural Relativism starting with the theory itself. Cultural Relativism rids the world of objectivity even though if it is to …show more content…

Another issue with Cultural Relativism is that it creates a world of moral infallibility which indicated that no cultures morals are ever wrong regardless of contradicting with other cultures. If moral claims are to be taken as true then they must not create contradictories. Moral progress is something that humans have been striving for centuries, but if Cultural Relativism is to be true then there would be no such thing because all moral claims would only be able to change but would always be true for their culture therefore insinuating there is no moral progress in the world. While, I have shown a number of problems with the theory of Cultural Relativism, there are relativists that would counter with a number of repeated arguments attempting to legitimize the theory. One argument posed is the attitudinal strategy, which states that when we speak on moral claims that humans are only expressing their

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