Cultural Competence Essay

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I must begin with a disclaimer that cultural competence and awareness is a passion of mine and is an area that I’m focusing on for my dissertation. I could write hundreds of pages on action steps that school leaders need to take and how to make it a priority for the entire school community; however, I will do my best to be concise. School leaders need to address the following items when working to develop cultural competence and social justice in their schools: first, assess their own biases and patterns of discrimination, second, gain an understanding of critical race theories in regard to how people learn and the impact of race, power, cultural capital, poverty, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, language, and other factors of learning, then, assess the organization of the school, next, analyze school policies and procedures, and also, actively increase community involvement and engagement in the process.
First, leaders must assess their own attitudes and beliefs about themselves and others and then confront biases. Educators are natural “helpers” who generally love “all students.” However, we must break down this one-size-fits-all mindset and really start to look at the world around us. We can do this by engaging in reflective thinking and writing. For example the diversity self-assessment is a great first …show more content…

I appreciated the article, “Addressing Diversity in Schools,” statement “when the tools of instruction are incompatible with, or worse marginalize, the students’ cultural experience, a disconnect with schools is likely.” We cannot ignore that social issues do not play a role in education and the daily lives of our students. We must actively work to understand what it is and what it means for our schools. We should acknowledge our students and staff’s differences as well as their commonalities, and validate cultural identities by our actions and

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