Crossing the Red Sea

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“God’s presence in the trial is much better than exemption from the trial.”- C.H. Mackintosh
James 1 commands Christians to count the trials we face as joy. The Lord uses these trials to test our faith and to strengthen our hope in him. Through the story of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt, the Old Testament provides an example of how God intends to be glorified through trials. The crossing of the Red Sea provides “a unique display of God’s power,” (Epp 50). The act in itself was a divine miracle that cannot be explained by any other force outside of God’s power. God fulfills his promise of deliverance for his people out of Egypt not only because he is faithful, but because his Lordship must be shown over Pharaoh and the Egyptians. God’s guidance of his people through the trial of crossing the Red Sea demonstrates the love he has for his people in his willingness to act on their behalf. He reveals his complete Lordship through the deliverance of his people out of Egypt through the crossing of the Red Sea. God allows his people to face a trial so salvation could only be found in him and glory could only be given to him.
Out of the oppression of the Israelites in Egypt, God brought forth Moses to become the deliverer of his people. Living as Pharaoh’s son for forty years, moving to Midian upon hearing of his true roots, encountering Yahweh through the burning bush, God was preparing his chosen man to lead the Israelites out of slavery. God sent Moses on multiple occasions to command Pharaoh to set his people free. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened repeatedly so the LORD inflicted ten plagues on the people of Egypt. A battle between Egyptian gods and the God of the Israelites had begun. This war reached its climax when the Angel of death kille...

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...ea seemed like an impossible to trial to overcome, God had complete Lordship over the situation. The LORD was in control of Pharaoh’s hardening heart and pursuit of the Israelites, of their route, and of their rescue. God had kept his promise to his people and planned to see his deliverance through. “ God allowed Pharaoh and his army to follow Israel so that in one event Israel was saved and Egypt was destroyed,” (Epp 59). Through this divine act of his power and faithfulness, God’s glory and Lordship was shown not only over Pharaoh and the Egyptians, but over the Israelites as well. The LORD displayed their need to put their hope and trust in him. He displayed his love and faithfulness to his people and delivered them as promised. God did not lead his people away from the trial but guided them through the trial so that his glory would be on display for all to see.

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