Critical Lens

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Jiaxing Peng 5/7 ESL6 Mr. Brumit Critical Lens Felix Frankfurter once said, “the most constructive way of resolving conflicts is to avoid them.” which means evading the conflicts is the best way to resolve the conflicts.In the other words, if we don’t want to face the conflicts, we should stay away from them and try to not get involved in.However, in my personal opinion, I disagree with this quote since the conflicts will still surround us even though we try to avoid them. Moreover, if the conflicts are initiated by us or just comes to us, to avoid the conflicts will not help us to resolve them. We can see through “The Hangman” by Maurice Ogden and The Crucible …show more content…

When the hangman came to kill the person who said “Shame!” everybody shrank back very quick. The “shrank” means move back because of fear or disgust.In this case, the residents in the town thought he hangman just came to kill one person who opposed him, so they stayed back and try to declare they were not involved in.Therefore, their corward minds made the hangman determined that the residents would obey what he wanted to do.However, at the end of the poem, “‘You tricked me Hangman.’I shouted then...The hangman said “Not I...The scaffold was raised for none but you.’” The conversation between the narrator and the hangman shows us the narrtaor also could not evade from being hanged by the hangmang.The narrator tried to help the hangman and to satisify him, then he could save his life.But, the hangman was just waiting for a person who would help him.Even though the initiative of the narrator was to help the hangman and not be hanged, he was still be killed by the

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