Critical Essay On 1984 By George Orwell

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Technology, it’s advanced, but for better or worse? Do our devices do more good to our lives rather than the worse? Something we wouldn't expect .. Is orwell’s vision coming to a reality.. If not, slowly processing. I’ve done a little research, and put two and two together. I read a few articles and put a final opinion on what's going on that most do not know about. Hopefully you can see, my personal thoughts. In the book, 1984, Mr. Orwell talks about this totalitarian society and ways our technology is used against us. To add on, the government being okay with this, and if you dare to go against the rules… you are forced to see the ministry of love and no it's not full of love either. Some type of psychological breakdown in the brain of you ask me. Winston explains in chapter 1, “The Telescreen works both ways. It's an announcement system as well as a surveillance network”(Orwell,page 3).“There was of course no of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment”(Orwell, page 3). In a way our phones could be used the same. To watch us 24/7 with or without you being aware. I find this quite interesting and a bite odd that …show more content…

Being blind in the whole process too. Mr. Maass & Ms. Rajagopalan talks our trackers of devices we have. They tell the readers about what's going on with our devices. The author claims, “Every year, private companies spend millions of dollars developing new services that track, store… share words.. Movements and even thoughts of the customer's”(Maass & Rajagopalan, 2012). This shows how the government takes the time to spend money just to get information using these advanced devices. Maass & Rajagopalan states, “ Cellular systems constantly check and record the location of all phones on their networks…. Data is treasured by the police department & online advertisers (Maass & Rajagopalan, 2012). This shows we are being tracked by our devices, also how much the government is watching

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