Critical Analysis Of The Crucible

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The title of “The Crucible” is the perfect title for this drama filled play by Arthur Miller. It goes deep into each person’s life and shows the struggles that they personally go through showing the ugly truth you’d otherwise not see. Arthur Miller shows the internal struggles of each person in The Crucible and how it affects each family and how it affects the overall village of Salem. We’re going to be looking three of the main characters in The Crucible and how they’re personal crucibles and their decisions impacted the overall outcome of the witch trials.

Reverend Hale had come to help the town of Salem but he ended up convicting a lot of innocent people to their deaths and he feels regret for what his actions and decisions caused. A good …show more content…

John had a lot to deal with. He had to worry about gaining the forgiveness of his wife, he had to worry about Abby coming after his wife, he had to worry about how to town would look at him if they ever found out that he and Abby had a thing. Despite all of this he always tried to do the right thing. So with his internal crucible he had to decide what was best for him and his family. Here’s one example when John has confessed to lechery, so they bring out Elizabeth from the Jail and question her to confirm that he indeed is a lecher. In an attempt to save John’s name though, Elizabeth denies the fact that he ever even cheated on her making John look like a liar. John yells out to her and says “Elizabeth, I have confessed it!”(Act III,113). John decided that the last ditch effort was to put his reputation on the line and to be known as a lecher in an effort to save his wife from being known as a witch. Because if Abby did have a thing with John then Abby’s accusation would be seen as revenge and then Elizabeth would be set free. HIs wife then denies everything saying that John is a good man and he never cheated. John at this point in his mind realizes that he is pretty much screwed. He’s going to be seen as a liar and she’s just gonna be thrown back in jail. Similarly in this next example he has to make another hard decision. John has been given the choice to save his life by signing his name on the document that will be hung on the church door for all to see but instead, he decides to that it would be best to just die and keep his name pure. He leaves us with this quote deciding his fate “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!”(Act IV,143) John has one of the hardest decisions a person can ever be given. He has to decide whether or not he wants to live in with a soiled name and possible be ridiculed and his family be ridiculed as well or, he can die save his name and his

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