Critical Analysis Of Judith Butler's Argument About Gender

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Explain Butler’s argument about gender; critically discuss why might impersonation be an authentic expression about the construction of gender.

In this piece of writing I will be explaining Judith Butler’s argument about gender, also I will be critically discussing why impersonation may be an authentic expression about theconstruction of gender. To begin with I would like to briefly explain Judith Butler’s argument about gender and then go further in to detail later on in my writing. “You have body. You may perform an identity. You may have desires.” (Gauntlett, 2002:137)
I believe that this is an accurate depiction of Butler’s argument about gender in brief. This quote essentially sums up her whole idea on gender and what she believes it …show more content…

But Judith Butler’s position on gender is that we are born with a body, you then perform an identity and then you may have desires. Butler does not believe that gender is natural but a construction of society, that gender is something we perform, that we are born male or female and then gender is a cultural component that we learn through social …show more content…

The masculine man is seen on stage dressed as a woman singing he then starts screaming and crying when he realises that the younger man has been watching him perform all this time. While analysing this video I have seen that the fact he is singing on stage dressed as a woman emphasises that gender is a performance, it is also a sense of tragedy that he has to hide away and sing in a van to do something he loves and that he thinks he has to be a woman to sing because perhaps it’s not masculine. Judith Butler suggests that gender is a construction of society and that there is no real gender and if there is no real gender then how can impersonation be an authentic expression of

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