Criminal Justice Reform Summary

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What was presented in Dr. Parenti’s book was a long list of reasons why criminal justice reform is at the top of the list, not just because we let billionaires torture the planet for the sake profit, but because a societal stigma still exists with the words “I’ve served time in prison.” America loves prison, it’s in our entertainment, our history and our culture, despite a drop in crime overall, prisons are being filled at record pace still and it ruins the chance for most to learn the lesson they were supposed to learn by being in jail in the first place.
The latest reports on criminal and abnormal psychology all say the same thing, that nonviolent offenders put into prison will come back as violent offenders. There’s no part of the legal system that makes scientific sense anymore, there is enough research to show that locking an individual in a confined space with other confined humans and slowly torture them doesn’t work in solving the overall problem. Harsher sentencing and brutal hypocrisy don’t work because there is no chance for rehabilitation or reformation when a petty crime turns into a life of crime. …show more content…

Ultimately, the common solution the multitude of problems that exist in America rest on more metaphysical solutions of compassion, equality and honesty. The question of “Why can’t we all just get along” is a hippie, free love cliche, but when the only solution seems to cut every person in the world a check large enough to cover every bill they’ll ever have you have to start wondering what would be so bad with

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