Criminal Justice Officer Gerard Walls Essay

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I believe that everyone faces many obstacles in life that will either guide them in the right direction or the wrong direction. There’s a man who decided to make his wrongs into his rights. He started his journey when he was 18 years old, and has came a long way since then. I’ve seen him accomplish a lot of great things in the schools and communities. After interviewing Officer Gerard Walls, he became another person that helped open my eyes to all of possibilities in the criminal justice field. Officer Gerard Walls chose to go into the criminal justice field and he became a police officer. He chose this life after he had gotten arrested and an officer seen a lot of good in him and lent him a hand. Officer Gerard realized that he could help …show more content…

So we have to prepare them for the world,” quoted by Officer Gerard Walls. What I took from this saying was that, the youth today need to learn and grow on the right path because as they get older things won’t come easier, they’ll be a little more challenging. I was able to witness the help that officer Walls was able to provide in the community and schools. From the time I was in elementary school until now Officer Walls had made an impact in my life. No matter where I seen him at he always stopped to make sure everything was okay and offer his help. He has given his support, encouragement, and trust within the community. He is someone who uses his job to make sure he can keep the people in his community safe and together.There was a show called Beyond Scared Straight that selected Officer Walls program to be featured on it. On the show he was show how he was fighting to help make a change in the lives of troubled young adults. The program showed them the life they could be living if they continued to go down the troubled path they were going down. Watching that show, I realized that there are so many kids that want to do better but they just don’t know how to. All it takes is for one person to make a difference for a change to happen. I believe he just wants us to believe in ourselves the same way he does. Everyone needs a push in life. I …show more content…

Some great positions in the criminal justice field are school resource officers, crime scene investigator, patrolman, detective, gang unit investigator, fugitive team investigator, traffic officer, narcotics and many other great positions. He also told me that getting a degree in accounting for forensics could help me get a job with various federal agencies like the FBI or IRS. I want to be a juvenile probation officer after I receive my degree in sociology with a concentration of criminal justice. A juvenile probation officer job is to supervise youth who have been accused or convicted of crimes and they have been placed on probation or under protective supervision. In this field I get to work with police officers, social services, schools and families. I know that in this field I need to have more than a bachelor's degree if i ever wanted to become a juvenile probation supervisor or administration position. Different states have different requirements for obtaining different positions in this

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